Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cooking Up A Story

Check out the incredible stories/videos that my cousin produces:

No on-air talent, no scripted programming, no studio environments, just authentic stories filmed in their native surroundings.

How many online videos tell a good story? How many good stories are told without the use of a celebrity, or a written script?

We think that’s what makes Cooking Up A Story, and Cooking Up A Story audiences, so unique. Our viewers appreciate a good story, and they want to experience a deeper truth, even those containing shades of gray. Many, care deeply about the environment, and believe that we must work to produce fundamental change in how America (and other countries in the world) conduct business. The funny thing about the subject of sustainable food, it doesn’t fall neatly into specific categories. It crosses over into every aspect of our society: social; political; economic; and environmental concerns.

In fact, Cooking Up A Story is unique for another reason. It’s really 3 different shows under the umbrella of one main title. First, Cooking Up A Story contains short documentaries about real people and their passionate connections to food and sustainable living. Many of these personal stories (along with our other shows) extend beyond the boundary of place, and are as interesting, and relevant today, as the first stories we produced almost two years ago.

Cooking Up A Story: FOOD NEWS contains interviews and talks with experts on a wide range of topics relating to the science, politics, and culture of food. Following the ideas expressed in these videos, ask yourself this question: are these ideas mainly limited to the area of food? We think not. Closely following Michael Pollan, and you will observe how universal healthcare coverage would likely impact current government policies that favor large mega-farms and the growing of non-specialty crops (crops not intended for human consumption!). Listen to the Dan Imhoff series that talks about the federal Farm Bill, and see how the epidemic of obesity and early onset diabetes is fueled by government subsidies that enables unhealthy foods to be more affordable than healthy foods. Or, Carlo Petrini’s talk, where in part, he outlines how Americans spend less on food (based on per capita income) than most other citizens of the world, and why we need to spend more for better quality food.

Third, our other main segment is Cooking Up A Story: Cooking, a no-nonsense, step by step demonstration how to prepare fresh foods, and desserts from people with wide ranging backgrounds and interests. In addition, there are recipes from each subject of our main stories, and also recipes from some of the How-To cooking videos.

Last, the most important aspect of our work, is YOU. We need your active support. If you like our show, share our stories on your site. Tell your friends about us, and subscribe to our feeds. If you agree that our content is important and unique, help us through your active participation to make it even more successful by commenting on our site, and on sites that display our videos.

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